Cocaine & Waves (2019)
vhs video, color, 20 min.
Starring Tomas Rance, Philip Verville, Johan Bresler
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Crack of Don (2019)
vhs video, color, 14:17 min
Starring Don Vital Davidson, Natalie Vansier, Adam Daudrich
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
White Bronco (2018)
vhs video, color, 20:37 min
Starring OJ Simpson, Larry King
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Xin Loi Tam Biet (2018)
vhs video, color, 3:19 min
Starring Don Vital Davidson, Surada & The Kamrai Ladyboys
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Blue Bayou (2017)
vhs video, color 2:34 min
Starring Phillip Verville
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
5006 (2017)
vhs video, color, 3:13 min
Starring Michael Picard, Tina Beigi
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Hotel Te Amo (2016)
vhs video, color 3:49 min
Starring Phillip Verville
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Show Me The Money (2015)
vhs video, color 03:00 min
Starring Tom Allain, Don Vital Davidson
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Jazz Pedophiles (2014)
vhs video, color 12:58 min
Starring Tony Ezzy, Don Vital Davidson
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
The Mystic Avenger (2009)
vhs video, color 13 min.
Starring The Mystic Avenger
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Tumble Weed (2009)
vhs video, color 16 min.
Starring Aaron Willicome, Matus Racek, Mystic Avenger
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek