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Creeping around art galleries with a video camera since 2014
Heroin Crystal @ GHMP, Prague, CZ
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Contemporary Models of Realism @ MOCAK, Krakow, PL
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Latent See @ Anteism Books Gallery, Montreal, QC
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Beaver Sheppard: Solo @ Archive Contemporary, Montreal, QC
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Matter of Art Biennale @ General University Hospital, Prague, CZ
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Spectres @ Cricoteka, Krakow, PL
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Phil Collins @ Phi Foundation, Montreal, QC
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
Stations: People, Eat, Drink @ Parisian Laundry, Montreal, QC
Produced and Directed by Matus Racek
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